Sunday, December 3, 2006

finished end of episode one

diru plushies ep. 1 ending:

" What the... LILAITHIA! GET DOWN HERE!" Lilaithia ran when she heard Sephy's yell.
"What is it Sephy?" she asked when she got down to the basement. Sephiroth pointed to the floor. "MY BABIES!" She screamed going and hugging her plushies. Except for Kyo who had again hidden in the shadows.
"You missed one." Sephiroth said bending to pick it up. Unfortunatly Kyo didn't wan't to be picked up.
"Back off freak!" Kyo said throwing the cigerett at him. Sephiroth just blinked stunned.
"Your plushie just threw a doobie at me!" Lilaithia stared at him in shock as Kaoru glared at him for talking when unknown humans were in the room. Lilaithia then burst into giggles.
"HAHAHAHAHA! Sephy said doobie! HAHAHAHAHA!" The laghter continued as Kira walked into the room wearing real 60s hippie clothes, her hair in dred pigtails with random butterfly clipies, and sunglasses that only covered the bottom half of her eyes; wich were half closed in a manner resembling a druggie. Sephiroth was mock strangling the Kyo plushie who was now immitating a real plushie.
"Hey man," Kira said in a druggie slow drawl "peace and hippie love!" At Kiras monotone voice everyone looked confused before she quickly changed back into hyper Kira and jumped Sephiroth. " Who has a doobie? I WANNA DOOBIE! I will love it, and hug it, and smoke it, and call it Fred!" Lilaithia merely just burst into more giggles with Sephiroth glareing at every moving object in the room.

And they lived happily ever after in there marijiuana induced haze...or did they?

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